Plastic Surgery Jacksonville

Want the perfect neck? Having a smooth, sleek, beautiful neck can make you look decades younger. The neck lift is a popular plastic surgery procedure that fixes numerous aesthetic issues, such as wrinkles, jowls, and other unfortunate facial features caused by excess skin, loose muscle tissue, and fatty deposits.

Horizontal wrinkles are caused by sun damage, gravity, rapid weight loss, and a reduction in skin elasticity due to the aging process. These wrinkles can be erased during a cervicoplasty, the aspect of a neck lift that deals with the skin tissues. As the excess skin is trimmed away, the neck skin is tightened.

Vertical neck bands, on the other hand, are more closely linked to the muscles than the skin. If you have a turkey-wattle-like neck area and vertical bands, you’ll need the platysma muscle tissue reshaped, removed, or tightened, possibly through the use of internal sutures. The alteration of this tissue will require the neck lift procedure known as a platysmaplasty.

Fat deposits are another part of the aging process. They are often caused by overeating habits or your genes. Fatty tissue deposits can create the appearance of a double chin. To correct these tissues, it’s best to use a neck liposuction procedure during your neck lift.

The neck lift procedure can be combined with other types of lifts, such as facelifts or browlifts, to create an even more youthful look. It can also be paired with a chin augmentation to give you the chin you’ve always wanted.

Whatever your aesthetic goals may be, a neck lift is a great way to reach them. Get started today by setting up a consultation with our office. Dr. Vaishali Doolabh, a board-certified plastic surgeon, uses her decades of experience to serve the Jacksonville area, and she would love to help you achieve the neck of your dreams.