Fat transfer or fat grafting can be used to correct issues like deep furrows and wrinkles on the face or other areas of the body. This procedure re-contours those areas. Both the areas from which fat is removed and transferred to, are anesthetized. Fat is taken from places like the lower stomach, thigh or buttocks using a tube and syringe. The fat cells are prepared and then carefully re-injected into the treatment sites. The process is repeated until the desired amount of fat has been transferred, and problems corrected. More than one session is typically required, as some transferred cells are dissolve away over time. There can be minimal pain afterwards, and strenuous activities should be avoided for several weeks.
Is fat transfer right for you? Call us at (904) 854-4800 for a consultation.
Nanofat Stem Cell Facial Rejuvenation
Use your body’s own growth factors and the regenerative capacity of stem cells within your own fat to improve skin quality. After a small amount of fat is harvested and processed, a nanofat emulsion is introduced into the skin. After naturally integrating into tissue, patients have confirmed an improvement in texture, elasticity, glow, firmness, fine wrinkles and hydration for an overall more healthy and youthful skin appearance. Consult with Dr. Doolabh today to see if stem cell facial rejuvenation is right for you!
Before & After Photos