Breast Augmentation Jacksonville

Breasts come in all sizes and shapes and you might find yourself wishing that they could be larger, smaller, rounder, firmer, or, if you’ve had a baby, you may wish they could be the way they were before you became a mother. With breast augmentation, Dr. Doolabh can improve your breast size and shape, giving a you a better-proportioned appearance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Breast augmentation (or augmentation mammaplasty) is a procedure that women consider for a variety of reasons. Breast augmentation enhances the size and shape of a woman’s breasts using internal breast implants.

This procedure can improve self-esteem and is well suited for a woman who, for personal reasons, feels her breasts are too small, wishes to correct a reduction in breast volume after pregnancy or balance a difference in breast sizes. Some women are satisfied but desire fuller, more proportionate breasts.

Changes in breast shape and volume can occur with changes in weight, childbirth, breast feeding and normal aging. Implants can be placed during a breast lift to provide firmer, more youthful breast contour.

Dr. Doolabh takes great care to ensure that her patients are well informed and have all of their questions answered. At your consultation, she’ll evaluate the many factors that influence her recommended choice of technique. These include the size, natural support and shape of your breasts, density of your skin and soft tissue, size and placement of your areolas, any previous breast surgeries, personal or family history of breast cancer, and your desired appearance in terms of breast size, cleavage, definition and firmness.

Dr. Doolabh will recommend either an FDA approved saline filled or silicone gel-filled implant that best fits your anatomy and preferences. Incisions can be made either in the crease where the breast meets the chest or around the areola.

Working through a small inconspicuous incision, Dr. Doolabh will lift your breast to create a pocket, either directly behind the breast tissue or underneath your pectoral muscle. The implants are then centered beneath your nipples. Putting the implants behind your muscle may reduce the potential for hardening of the implants, and interfere less with breast examination by mammogram than if the implant is placed directly behind the breast tissue. Placement behind the muscle, however, may cause a little more discomfort for a few days after surgery.

Preparing for your breast surgery is straightforward and will be outlined for you at your consultation. You may need a mammogram depending upon your personal and family history of breast cancer. If you’ve had prior surgery, then copies of your records will be requested. These are helpful in choosing the optimal technique.

If you smoke, you’ll be asked to stop smoking at least 3 weeks prior to your procedure. Medications and supplements that can interfere with anesthesia or cause increased bleeding will also be discussed and should be discontinued prior to your surgery.

Most surgeries are outpatient and require you to have a responsible adult caregiver the day of surgery, and a few days after. The morning of surgery, you will meet with Dr. Doolabh and the anesthesiologists to answer any remaining questions and confirm the plan for the surgery.

After your breast implants have been placed, you will be placed in a compression bra with a surgical dressing. General guidelines for care include showering and changing the dressing after 48 hours, constantly wearing the surgical bra, walking every hour to minimize the risk of blood clot formation in your legs, and not exerting yourself or using your arms against resistance afterwards. Detailed instructions will be issued prior to your discharge from the recovery unit.

Within the first week, your chest will gradually feel less tight, stiff and sore, as swelling and bruising subside and range of motion returns to your arms. Depending upon your job requirements, you may be able to return to work within a few days.

Implants can take several weeks to months to acclimate to your body and yield their final position and appearance.

Making Quality Decisions About Primary Breast Augmentation Surgery

If you are considering breast augmentation surgery please download Breast Augmentation PDA Informed Consent – Making Quality Decisions About Primary Breast Augmentation Surgery, a helpful decision aid to support informed choices that reflect best evidence and what matters most to you. Use this decision aid before and throughout the consultation and informed consent process with Dr. Doolabh.

If you’re considering breast augmentation, we encourage you to call us at (904) 854-4800 and schedule a consultation with Dr. Doolabh to discuss your options.

Before & After Photos

42-year-old female pictured before and 1-month after breast implant removal. The patient had a breast lift with implants many years ago. She more recently developed autoimmune problems and requested breast implant removal. She is improving after implant and capsule removal. Patient #13478.
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