young woman covering breasts

The breast lift procedure, also called mastopexy, is performed to lift the breasts into a more youthful, perky position after they have begun to sag. The breast lift procedure improves the breast size and shape and creates a natural looking rejuvenation. The breast lift does not enhance breast fullness—women who wish to both enhance their breast fullness and lift the breasts may choose to combine the breast augmentation procedure with a breast lift.

In the mastopexy procedure the incision is made in one of three ways: 1. In a circle around the areola, 2. In a key shape around the areola and then down to the crease of the breasts, 3. Or in a star shape around and out from the areola. The technique used in the breast lift depends on the amount of reduction being performed, as well as you and your plastic surgeon’s preference. If you are interested in learning more about the breast lift procedure and recovery process, and to find out if it may be right for you, contact our office to schedule your consultation with Dr. Doolabh today.