Male Facial Procedures Jacksonville

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48 year-old male, lower eyelid Blepharoplasty. #2099
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Face Lift

As a person ages, the effects of gravity and time cause a loss of skin elasticity and sagging, as well as loss of facial volume that may deepen parentheses-shaped smile lines and form vertical marionette lines on either side of the mouth. The best candidate for a facelift is a man or woman whose face and neck have begun to sag, but whose skin still has some elasticity and whose bone structure is strong and well-defined. A facelift improves some of the most visible signs of aging by removing excess fat and skin, tightening underlying tissues and repositioning skin. Most patients are back to work around two weeks when the majority of bruising and swelling is subsiding.

Brow Lift

The brow lift, sometimes called a forehead lift, is a surgical cosmetic procedure used to minimize the wrinkles, creasing and sagging of the skin on the forehead and between the eyebrows. As we age our skin loses elasticity and begins to sag. There are other factors which can contribute to accelerating the rate at which the brow area ages such as genetics and prolonged exposure to the sun. For those that are unhappy with the appearance of their forehead, a brow lift can be a very successful way to achieve the results desired.

Eyelid Lift

If you believe that your eyes are making you look tired, sad, or older than you really feel, consider cosmetic eyelid surgery to remove the excess fat, minimize bags under the eyes and tighten the eyelid skin. The result is a more alert and rested appearance. Typically, the upper eyelid incision line follows the natural contour of the upper eyelid and is camouflaged within the natural crease when healed. Lower eyelid incisions are concealed just below the lower lashes or within the lid depending on the amount of excess lower lid skin. In some patients, the underlying muscle may need to be tightened, bulging fat pads removed and repositioned, or the lower lid skin simply tightened with laser resurfacing. Unless otherwise specifically requested, the ethnic characteristics of patient’s eyes are not changed. Most patients return to work in 10-14 days when swelling and bruising is reduced.

Chin Augmentation

The chin is an important component of the overall facial profile. A chin that lacks projection can give the illusion of having a larger nose or very full, sagging neck. A patient’s chin may be augmented by placing an implant through an external incision under the chin. This incision can also be utilized to complete liposuction of the neck or tightening of the neck muscles for optimum contour as necessary. Based on your skeletal and soft tissue anatomy, Dr. Doolabh will recommend an implant that will balance the width and projection of your chin. There is a minimal amount of discomfort and swelling, and most patients return to work the following week.

Neck Lift

For patients desiring to improve the contour of the neck and jaw line (or jowls) there are two procedures that can help. If the neck is an area that your body tends to store fat, then microsuction of the neck may be recommended. If the skin and muscle in the neck and jaw line have become weak over time, then a neck lift may be recommended either separately or in conjunction with a facelift. Suction alone is useful for patients with good skin tone who have excess fat beneath the skin. Results are dramatic, and with minimal incisions, recovery is quick. Most patients experience minimal discomfort and return to work within 7-10 days.

Fat Transfer

A fat transfer can be used to correct skin defects such as deep furrows and wrinkles on the face and other depressions on other areas of the body. This procedure re-contours the face and corrects facial or body deformities. Both the area from which fat is taken and the area to be treated are anesthetized. A hollow tube attached to a syringe is used to harvest fat cells from areas such as the lower stomach, thigh or buttocks. These fat cells are prepared and then carefully re-injected into the treatment or recipient site. The process is repeated until the desired amount of fat has been transferred and the defect corrected. It usually requires more than one fat transfer session for full correction as some of the transferred cells will not survive. There is minimal pain afterwards, and strenuous activities should be avoided for several weeks.

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