Chin Augmentation Jacksonville

One of the most common facial implant procedures is the correction of a weak or recessed chin (genioplasty) to help improve facial profile.

Purpose of Chin Surgery:

  • To improve the appearance of the chin by enhancing or reducing its size or altering its shape
  • To enhance facial proportions and create symmetry
  • To improve profile

Chin surgery with Dr. Doolabh can be performed to either enhance the projection of a small or receding chin or to reduce the size of a double chin. A chin lacking projection can give the illusion of having a larger nose or full, sagging neck. A patient’s chin can be enhanced using an implant inserted under the chin. The same incision can be used for liposuction of the neck or tightening of the muscles for optimum contour. Based on your own anatomy, Dr. Doolabh will recommend an implant that balances the width and projection of your chin. There can be some minimal discomfort and swelling, but most patients return to work the following week.

Before & After Photos

17 y.o male , 6 mos following chin implant placement
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Considering chin augmentation? Call us at (904) 854-4800 to learn more.

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